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  • Writer's pictureGillian Stothard

Tips for Going Vegan

If you're thinking about going vegan, congratulations! You are about to embark on a journey that will have endless benefits for animals, your health, and the environment. Although living a plant based lifestyle doesn't have to be complicated or difficult, there can be a few challenges in making the transition from eating animal products. Here are my top two tips for how to ease this transition:

1. Don't quit animal products cold tofurkey! Excuse my bad joke, but it's will be so much easier to stick to this lifestyle when you slowly phase out your use of meat, dairy, and eggs. Starting slow is the best way to make sure that your body and mind are getting used to this change and you won't end up binging on animal products.

2. Find support! Hopefully your friends will be supportive of your decision, but it's unlikely that you will be able to convince all of them to go vegan as well (at least at first). In this case, follow Instagram pages, blogs, and Youtubers that will help to encourage you to stay on track. You could even start social networks of your own all about your journey, and you will surely find other vegan friends in that way that could support you!

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